
2018年11月15日—含碰撞物理的CBP物理系統.CBPC-CBPPhysicswithCollisionsforSSEandVR.雖然已經在CBP那篇文章分享這個MOD訊息.不過我去看了CBP原作者的頁面.,2022年6月23日—Longstoryshort,afterseveralhoursoffiddling,Istillcan'tgetCBPPhysicstoworkonCBBEbodiesandoutfits.Batchbuildingthrough ...,2018年11月14日—Aboutthisvideo.QuickmodtestofthenewmodCBPPhysicswithCollisionsforSSEusingSexyIdleAnimationsandLIfeli...


2018年11月15日 — 含碰撞物理的CBP 物理系統. CBPC - CBP Physics with Collisions for SSE and VR. 雖然已經在CBP那篇文章分享這個MOD訊息. 不過我去看了CBP原作者的頁面.

Help with CBP Physics with CBBEBodySlide on Skyrim SE ...

2022年6月23日 — Long story short, after several hours of fiddling, I still can't get CBP Physics to work on CBBE bodies and outfits. Batch building through ...

CBP Physics with Collisions for SSE Test

2018年11月14日 — About this video. Quick mod test of the new mod CBP Physics with Collisions for SSE using Sexy Idle Animations and LIfelike Idle Animations.


Decouple simulation speed from framerate; Track all loaded actors instead of just those in the player cell; Track actors via events, ...

CBP Physics versus CBPC Physics :

2019年10月21日 — CPB physics relies on breast weights that are only on the CBBE physics body. If you want the outfits to have physics as well then you need the ...

I cant get CBPC

2020年11月1日 — Ive tried to get this to work 50 times in VR, is it because the current skse version is Current VR build 2.0.12?? When installing it says to ...

CBP Physics at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus

Basic Breast/Butt and Belly bounce driven by a simple physics model.


CBPC - Physics with Collisions for SSE and VR. Breast-Butt-Belly-Vagina collisions that work out of the box. Player VR Hands and Weapons collisions with ...